With nearly 13 million followers, it’s obvious that Tessa Brooks has a message people want to hear. Her vlogs, viral dance videos, and popular YouTube channel have rightfully earned her praise. But, combined with her fierce desire to spread positivity and inspiration to others, her influence has the power to reach way beyond the digital space.
Recently, Brooks has been getting to explore more of her love for dance in the television world, starring in the digital series, Boss Cheer. While the Fresno, California native expands on more of her talents, she also remains firmly planted in the beauty, fashion, and lifestyle industry.
People love Tessa not only because she has partnered with some of the world’s top brands, but because she also gives back to the community. In fact, her dream is to create a foundation that “helps clear a path for children and young adults to the arts.”
Tessa Brooks embodies so many qualities that young women everywhere aspire to achieve. This is why, in today’s world, she is just the right fit for what a role model should be.

Sari: How would you define beauty?
Tessa Brooks: This sounds cliché, but I truly believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I also think you can find beauty in almost anything if you look for it.
Sari: Tell me more about some of the brands you’ve collaborated with and how you got your start there?
TB: I got to work with Smashbox on their longwear foundation, Studio Skin Foundation, which fit perfectly because I’m constantly on the go so it’s awesome to have a foundation that can keep up with me. I also got to have my own capsule collection with YMI Jeans and it was so great figuring out what pieces I liked best and thought would be perfect for the collection. I also really enjoyed working with Maybelline on their Soda Pop Palette.
Sari: What has been the highlight of your career so far?
TB: It’s so hard to choose but I think I’d have to say my new collection with YMI! I’m so obsessed with it and getting to see it everywhere on billboards is such a cool feeling.
Sari: You launched that in September. Tell me more about the capsule collection.
TB: There are so many unique pairs of jeans that I fell in love with. Every pair is so different from the other. Plus they are super comfy so that’s always a bonus.
It’s so hard to choose but I think I’d have to say my new collection with YMI! I’m so obsessed with it and getting to see it everywhere on billboards is such a cool feeling.
Sari: Where do you hope to see your career go?
TB: I hope to continue what I’m doing now – dancing, acting, and posting for all my followers – but I would also love to explore making music. Another thing I really want to make happen is teaching dance to kids who, due to circumstances beyond their control, can’t afford to take a dance class.
Sari: Let’s talk more about your love of dance. What is it about that form of expression that speaks to you personally?
TB: There’s something about movement that has always made me feel so free and fulfilled. Dancing is such a beautiful art form because you can tell a story or express yourself in a way that words can’t. When I don’t get to dance regularly and express myself in that way, I start to go insane!
Sari: How fun is that for you now starring as a lead on the digital series, Boss Cheer? What’s been your favorite part of that experience?
TB: I loved the whole experience and had so much fun on set. I got to use my background in dance and cheer while acting, so it was a combination of a bunch of things I love. I don’t think it could get any better.

Sari: You’ve been successful at working across a variety of entertainment and digital platforms doing what you love. What advice can you offer others who hope to what you do?
TB: Work hard, be consistent, and be you.
Sari: You’ve also amassed such a huge social following. I love that you use that platform to spread positivity and inspiration to your followers. What is the ultimate message you want to get across?
TB: Ah, thank you! The message I like to get across is that it really is all about your mindset. Focus on minimizing the negative things that you say and think, and replace them with positivity. It really will make the quality of your life so much better. Yes, life can get really hard sometimes, but that’s just a part of growing up, so always try to see the good in any situation.
Sari: If you could write your own future, what kind of story would it tell?
TB: It would be an inspirational coming-of-age story that would be action-packed with a little – probably a lot – of “Eat Pray Love” in there, too.
Sari Cohen
Stylist: Elena Vasilevsky
Photographer: Ryan Jerome
Production: Inlove Media & Production
Hair: Jessica Chu Makeup: Cynthia Angelina
Assistant: Jorge Sida-Valdez